A Message from the Principal
Welcome February!!!
Congratulations! We made it through half of the school year! Where has the time gone? February is a fast, but fun filled month. We have a long break, field trips planned, and special event days. It is going to be a very busy month. Please continue to refer to our newsletter (found below), as it will provide you with all the school-wide special events planned for the month.
If you have not done so yet, please be sure to complete the School Climate Survey that can be found in your child's Parent Portal. If you need assistance signing into the Parent Portal, please see your child's classroom teacher or our secretary, Mrs. Fagin. Your responses to the survey are used to ensure your experience in our school building is a positive one. We love to hear your feedback!
Finally, please be reminded that students continue to go outside for gross motor activity. Please be sure to dress your child for the weather. In the event of extreme cold, snow, or ice, students will take part in gross motor in the school building.
We look forward to another great month at GPPA 3. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at your convenience.
In Partnership,
Valerie Stewart
[email protected]

Click above to see our Preschool Newsletter
Follow us on Instagram for up to date information, Save the Dates, and to see our Busy Bees in action!!

Emergency Drill Notifications