Ms. Jolanta Puzio
(973)253-6600 ext. 1610
[email protected]
Listed below are policies that must be followed throughout the school year. Please help us ensure the safety and well-being of all our students. If you should have any questions or concerns, please contact the Nurse’s office.
Reasons for Keeping Your Child Home:
• Fevers, 100 or higher
• Illness during the night
• Complaints of nausea, upset stomach, vomiting, headache, or diarrhea prior to leaving for school
• Unexplained rash on face or body
• Severe cold, persistent cough, and/or sore throat
• Eyes that are swollen, red, and crusty
*The school nurse will send home any child that exhibits any of the above.*
A Doctor’s Note is needed for:
• For absences to be taken into consideration by administration
• Absence of school for three (3) consecutive days or more
• Return to school after being treated for any of the following communicable diseases: Strep throat, scarlet fever, Pink Eye, Fifth’s disease, Ringworm, scabies
• Seen in the doctor’s office: Ex. Physical Examination, Immunizations and/or Injuries
Change of Information
A note must be submitted to the school when:
• There is any change of information on a student’s emergency card (Ex. Telephone numbers, parent place of employment, or emergency contacts)
• There is a change in who will pick up the student for the day
• If your child needs medication during school hours, please do not send the medication with the student. The parent must hand the medication to the nurse.
• Contact the nurse to make arrangements for medication administration and discuss any allergies or medical concerns.
Health Screenings
• As per the state mandate, students must be screened for vision, hearing, blood pressure, height, and weight.
• The screenings will take place throughout the year.
• A referral letter will be sent home to parents for any screenings that do not fall within the normal range of limits. A follow-up with a pediatrician is recommended.